Friday, October 24, 2008

A Cheerleader and A Ball Player: unwind after practice, prepare for BYE...

J to the second power! Cousins! Jamani and Jalen (that is) visit with one another and unwind after Thursday's practice! She cheers and he plays for Future League/Leaders.

Aren't they adorable?

Parents chill and look toward the weekend---a BYE one at that...

1. Sports. in a tournament, the preferential status of a player or team not paired with a competitor in an early round and thus automatically advanced to play in the next round: The top three seeded players received byes in the first round.

One of my best-est and my guy!

And prepare for a wedding in the mountains @ Spencers in Palm Springs, and a pool party afterwards!

Hope you enjoy the reprieve as much as we are planning to! More blogging in about a week or so.

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